Surrendering Challenges!

Human nature often leads us to worry and create stories in our heads that may or may not be true. These worries and imagined realities can erect walls in our energy field, making it difficult to manifest the very things we wish to create.

Our bodies tend to hold onto past experiences, causing us to identify with these old narratives. Carrying these outdated storylines can hinder the functioning of our minds, emotions, and bodies.

A Simple Technique to Surrender

So, how do you release the old stories you cling to or fabricate, allowing for the manifestation of optimal outcomes? The best solution is to surrender these burdens to your Higher Self, the spirit within you that never dies and knows everything about your past, present, and future.

A quick technique to visualize this process is to think of your mind, emotions, and body as a computer with too much data. This overload of worries, past experiences, and fabricated stories hampers optimal functioning.

Your brain and body may resist letting go, fearing they might need to access these stories "just in case." To overcome this, think of your Higher Self as a cloud-based storage system. This "cloud" (Higher Self) can securely hold your worries and narratives so you can release them without fear. Simply imagine or ask your mind, emotions, and body to download or transfer these burdens to your Higher Self, picturing the process as it happens.

Aligning with Your Optimal Timeline

Additionally, you can seek to identify the optimal future timeline your Higher Self envisions for you.

  • Ask for this timeline to be brought into your current reality, allowing you to energetically align with your new circumstances now.

  • Visualize a doorway opening to a future where your optimal solutions are already manifested. You may not receive specific details about what lies ahead, which is actually beneficial; knowing too much can restrict your openness to receiving the best outcome.

  • Instead, embrace the sensation of resolution and attraction to your highest good as it washes over you.

The more open you are to optimal outcomes and willing to surrender issues to your Higher Self, the more receptive your energy field will be to attracting your highest good.

We are all connected through a vast energy field called the Oneness Field. This interconnectedness means that every positive change you make in your life contributes to the healing and growth of others, including your ancestors and past lives.

By attracting your highest good, you create a ripple effect that helps others align with their own highest good. Your transformation not only benefits you but also uplifts the collective consciousness.

Let’s join together and move toward our optimal timelines as one!

Many blessings,


For a guided experience, check out the “Surrendering Challenges” Energetic Healing Audio, where I take you through this process step by step. It’s like having a personal energy healing session to help you release, realign, and attract your highest good.

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen also founded School for Higher Consciousness. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through the school’s workshops.  You can also experience them through her audios.



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