Soul Retrievals Create Permanent Change

We all have things we need to let go of. This process should be continual, but the human body often clings to what is outdated. In truth, change is the only constant in life, alongside our own spirit.

Whenever we release what no longer serves us—be it outdated beliefs, old emotions, past memories, or unhelpful behavior patterns—we create a void within ourselves that is ready to be filled. If we leave this void unaddressed, it will inevitably fill up with more of the same unhelpful energy we aimed to release. To ensure our changes are permanent, we must allow our spirit to fill these voids, as its timeless nature brings lasting transformation.

How can you achieve this? Intention is key whenever you seek change. Ask your Higher Self and spirit guides to assist you in letting go of the past—especially that which is no longer relevant—so you can reclaim more of your true nature—your spirit.

Tuning Into Your Body’s Wisdom

Be present with your body, as it serves as a barometer for your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

  • If you notice tension or discomfort in any area, envision a mini-you shrinking down to a microscopic size and exploring within yourself to understand what’s happening.

  • You might imagine walking around inside your body to see, hear, or feel the sensations present.

  • Focus on the areas that stand out, simply being with them without the need to change anything.

As you remain present or explore these areas, you may receive images, sensations, colors, words, or memories that help illuminate your understanding of the situation. This awareness can facilitate the release of what isn’t serving you. It’s possible that you may not experience anything significant; instead, you might simply feel a sense of lightness. Remember, each person’s experience is unique, so release any expectations about how the process will unfold. Your experiences may even vary with each session.

The Power of Emotional Clearing and Reintegration

Sometimes, clearing an issue might take several days, while other times, you might notice an immediate release. The more resistant the area is to clearing, the greater the breakthrough can be. As a wise woman once told me, "Whenever you feel the worst is when you have the biggest breakthroughs." Thank you, Clarice—you are absolutely right!

Once you sense that you’ve cleared some emotional weight, ask your Higher Self to identify any instances where you’ve lost your spirit due to adversity, difficulties, or challenges. Request that these lost pieces be gathered, cleansed, purified, and reintegrated. You can also ask that your spirit connects with the circuitry of your heart and brain, guiding you in every area of your life.

Finally, offer your healing efforts to your family, ancestors, humanity, and all living consciousness across all timelines, dimensions, and universes.

Remember, as you heal yourself, you create ripples of healing in the world. Your growth, awareness, and transformation not only uplift you but also those around you—because we are all deeply connected.

Many blessings,


For a guided experience, download my “Soul Retrieval” Energetic Healing Audio where I take you through this process step by step. It’s like having a personal energy healing session to help you release, heal, and raise your vibration.

Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen also founded School for Higher Consciousness. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through the school’s workshops. You can also experience them through her energetic healing audios.


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