Insights through Nature
Our greatest insights and healing can come in while communing with nature. I’ve had this happen numerous times. Nature carries a vibration and frequency that can heal our mental, emotional and physical bodies if not contaminated by human interferences. Each species and type of trees, plants, rocks and all living consciousness carries a vibration and frequency that brings us qualities to heal us and give insights and direction.
In 1997 I couldn’t get past the first paragraph on my graduate thesis paper due to writer’s block. I decided a run would help to clear my head. I ran through a beautiful wooded pathway and went into a peaceful meditative space as nature became one with me. My mind let go and my Higher Self downloaded the information I needed to write the paper. I went home and wrote the outline with the title, “Societal and Religious Beliefs—How they Help or Harm our Healing Process.” Sixty books and articles were synthesized, within me, with unusual clarity. As the days moved on, the information flowed through me so the paper almost wrote itself. Most people had to revise their paper at least once but mine went through without a comment or note. Things work out better with our Higher Self in charge!
In December 2017, I went to beautiful, red rock Sedona, AZ. My intention, for the trip, was to let go of/forgive all relationships still causing me pain— consciously and unconsciously. To do this, I knew I needed to move beyond any limitations of the human experience by moving into 6th Dimensional thinking, feeling and behaving states. The 6th Dimension, also called 6D, is above the normal human way of operating since humanity operates at a lower vibration and frequency which is 3rd or 4th dimension or 3 or 4D. Operating under 6D is humanity’s stepping stone into unity consciousness.
While in Sedona, I sat on Sugarloaf Canyon, considered the heart chakra of the area, to meditate. Many people appeared before me with beautiful energies of forgiveness swirling around us setting us free from the bondages of a burdened heart. I was shown my childhood issues and the person who fit the role of the issue in childhood. I saw how it played out again, in adulthood, with people who helped reenact the issue so I could clear it up as an adult. I was filled with gratitude for what I learned, and had forgiven, so I could let go of the burden I was holding onto. Forgiving each person, from my past, meant I was lighter and happier. I know this process may need to be done again—as many times needed to move into a limitless inner space.
Because we are all interconnected, I felt assured that my forgiveness process was helping my children, grandchildren and all those who are connected to me which includes the collective itself. Healing ourselves does heal others.
Many Blessings,
Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen also founded School for Higher Consciousness. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through the school’s workshops. You can also experience them through her audios.