Advanced Lifetime


We all have lifetimes where we've been more advanced than our current human state of consciousness. This energetic healing audio will focus on a lifetime where you are or were an advanced being helping planet earth with the ascension. Ascension refers to the process of humanity raising its collective vibration to a higher, more unified level - one that’s less polarized and more uplifting for everyone. You will learn more about this advanced lifetime and gain the wisdom, knowledge, and upgrades to help yourself raise your consciousness and the planet's today!

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We all have lifetimes where we've been more advanced than our current human state of consciousness. This energetic healing audio will focus on a lifetime where you are or were an advanced being helping planet earth with the ascension. Ascension refers to the process of humanity raising its collective vibration to a higher, more unified level - one that’s less polarized and more uplifting for everyone. You will learn more about this advanced lifetime and gain the wisdom, knowledge, and upgrades to help yourself raise your consciousness and the planet's today!

We all have lifetimes where we've been more advanced than our current human state of consciousness. This energetic healing audio will focus on a lifetime where you are or were an advanced being helping planet earth with the ascension. Ascension refers to the process of humanity raising its collective vibration to a higher, more unified level - one that’s less polarized and more uplifting for everyone. You will learn more about this advanced lifetime and gain the wisdom, knowledge, and upgrades to help yourself raise your consciousness and the planet's today!

Intentions Manifesting & Upgrades
Lady of the Lakes
9999 New Earth Part 1
Soul Upgrade Integration
Dimensional Split