Be Your Divine Self in Human Form
Energy Healing Audios
Audio Energy Sessions
Each audio holds the energetic healing qualities of an in-person healing session. They help you to transform your past and create your future, so you feel lighter and happier. Most of the audios will start out with guided imagery, to help you relax during the healing process. (This is not hypnosis.) Each audio will be asking that your spirit guides—those friends and loved ones from the higher dimensions or realms—to work on you during the audio based on the energetic healing process. Your higher self will always be in charge of what you accept from the energetic healing, if anything.
90 Day Integration
The energetic vibrations held in these audios take at least 90 days to integrate. It is important to listen to these audios every day, for at least 90 days to create a change in perception, emotions and behaviors. This is how long it takes the brain to establish the new neural circuitry that supports your ability to move into a more resolved and peaceful state. These audios help to activate pattern changes and, whether awake or asleep, you receive the benefits! Do not drive while listening to any of these audios.
Universal Design
These audios are based on the prevailing theories about how the universe works. While no one knows the true nature of reality, due to the limitations of our brain, scientists are discovering new insights. Many scientists believe that we are all part of a Oneness field of energy. These common theories have been used to assist in the energetic healing design of the audios and people have found that they hold the potential to help them create positive changes in their lives.
The Power of Energetic Healing Audios
Here why Maureen created the energetic healing audios to help you to address specific issues and access higher levels of consciousness.
Helpful Tip: Create a playlist of audios to listen to while you sleep, so you can work to resolve whatever challenges are affecting you and wake up feeling a greater sense of clarity and well-being.
It’s a game changer!