Miracles and Divine Protection
We can all feel that something is different in our world. There’s lots of things happening that feels perilous yet, at the same time, there’s an edge of excitement to it as well.
Our old world is in the process of breaking down. Whenever something isn’t working, it’s bound to fall apart and come together in a new form. We are at that point right now.
We can become worried and concerned about ourselves, our loved ones and the collective/humanity/planet/all living consciousness which is like sending a prayer of worry. This human response does the opposite of what we want. We need to train ourselves to do this differently. Why not ask for miracles and Divine Protection instead?
Anytime I find myself worrying about someone, I ask to send the miracles and Divine Protection energies to them to bring in miraculous new outcomes if their Higher Self is open to that person receiving it. I picture a bubble of sparkly miracle energy around them and see a golden eye of protection which, to me, is a Divine Protection symbol.
Why wouldn’t the Higher Self be open to accepting this energy?
Perhaps they’re learning something with the current difficult situation and the Higher Self believes waiting for this energy to come in later is a better plan. Or perhaps the personality is blocking it due to stubborn resistance or their beliefs are in the way. Outdated beliefs can cause walls in the energy field so that anything new can’t come in and the old can’t leave. This can keep us stuck.
Whenever I send this energy to someone, I’m letting go of outcome and letting the Higher Self lead the way trusting in what’s best for them.
If I’m worried about myself and what’s happening in my life, I do the same thing. I ask that an energy of miracles surrounds me, and that Divine Protection comes into my field shown as a golden eye. The energy always feels promising, exciting, and protective. If it doesn’t feel this way, I figure I’m resistant to it and ask this energy to help break down those stubborn beliefs and ego.
I also ask that the miracles and protection energies go to all of my ancestors to transform their unresolved issues, patterns, beliefs, memories, emotions, and behaviors not serving them. We all tend to repeat what the previous ancestors haven’t yet resolved, so this intention can really help! I ask for the most miraculous outcomes for all ancestors, with spirit leading the way, so that we can all move to our highest potential!
I’ve been asking to wrap humanity, the planet, and all living consciousness in miracles and Divine Protection with the collective soul leading the way so that we can make a huge shift into unity consciousness and love!
Right now, it’s hard to imagine something miraculous happening for humanity since it can feel like Gotham City some days. However, whenever it’s the darkest is also when the biggest breakthroughs come in - picturing this energy WILL make a difference.
If we all start surrounding ourselves, our loved ones, our ancestry and the collective in miracles and Divine Protection energies, miraculous changes WILL happen. We are each powerful in our own right but two or more doing this work synergizes intentions so that we’re unstoppable!
Many Blessings,
Maureen Higgins owns Wings of Freedom, an alternative counseling and coaching business. She helps people be their best selves and recognize they are part of the Divine. Maureen also founded School for Higher Consciousness. Maureen has developed numerous energetic healing systems you can learn through the school’s workshops. https://www.schoolforhigherconsciousness.com/class-schedule You can also experience them through her audios. https://www.schoolforhigherconsciousness.com/energetic-healing-audios